Thursday, April 7, 2011

Daphne Jayne Eyestone

I'd like to introduce you to all of my children just not in order.

This girl Daphne aka: Fi-fi, Jaynee, Nina, Nienie, The feef, Jayneefer Lopez, or sour patch kid
( **** Side note about me: all of my children have at least 5 frequently used nicknamesTheir middle names even have nicknames because I think why have a middle name if you don't use it! They each also have a female pop star name, even the boys, I have no explanation for that one.****)

  • Daphne is the 3rd of 4 children, she is a,"Little momma" to violet and reminds me all the time when I tell her she is too little to help with certain things.

  • She can be sweet and cuddly but I am pretty sure if she were ever in a bar fight, she would win. Her 2 older brothers have nothing on her cause she fights dirty, you know nails, kicking, pinching, pulling hair, teenage girl style

  • She is a BIG TIME Daddy's girl and has been since day one! She cons him( and other people for that matter) into carrying her everywhere. She constantly says,"I have Daddy's eyes" and she does. He won't admit it and don't tell my other kids but she is his favorite, even though it drives me a little crazy since that means I am the only one who can discipline her, many a new dress has been willingly purchased in consequence, so I shouldn't complain.


  • She is so tough that I sometimes forget how sensitive she is. When she was younger many a relative felt guilty after they told her,"no" and she howled like you just ripped her heart out.

  • She has a lot of favorite people, and they all know it cause they get HUGE hugs when she sees them. She also has not favorites and they know it too! She often tells everyone that they are her best friend, including our cat Aloyisious (Big Al for short). If her brothers really want to get her back for attacking them, all they have to do is say that they are not her best friend.( I then put them in time out, on the grounds of emotional abuse)

  • For the last 3 years she has told me on a consistent basis," I grow up, I get booboo's (boobs), I be cooking mama, I marry Tay-tay" ( uncle Taylor). We finally convinced her she can't marry her uncle, but she kept saying,"who I marry then?"and she persisted saying she would marry Tay till we found a replacement suitor. (he knows who he is)

  • She is kinda obsessed with marriage and the word "marry" also means kiss to her so she constantly asks her dad, brothers, and me to "marry" her when she wants a kiss. Her brothers usually respond with an ewwww gross! She also tells Golden and I to "marry" each other quite frequently.

  • She is really into making up songs, usually one liners, and she belts them at the top of her lungs endlessly with her head tilted back and eyes closed like any good diva. Last weeks classics were: My Friends Give me Wedgie which consequently inspired the lyrics to My Friends Just Break My Heart.

  • Her most interesting favorite food is beans of all kinds she likes pinto (of course), black, kidney, and even garbanzo (in homemade hummus!).
  •  Funny Daphne story: One time Gramma Linda was carrying her down the stairs and she said to her,"Gramma I HAVE legs!" I heard her from down stairs and could not stop laughing at the sass mouth on that girl.
I Love this girl! She keeps me laughing, crying, and on my toes for sure. All I have to say is, she is lucky she's cute cause otherwise....  


  1. yay!!!!!!! I heart the daph!

  2. Of course I love your blog!! You are so talented.... I knew you were so cute, stylish, crafty, and funny but I didn't know you were such a good writer! You are AMAZING!! So glad I got to read this and will definitely be coming back!! You inspired me to class up my blog background a bit, with your cuteness!
