Tuesday, April 3, 2012


Daphne decided last week that since I was busy baking a wedding cake hence leaving her to her own devices, she should get a hold of my scissors and give herself some baby doll bangs. She is so thoughtful I definitely wasn't busy or stressed enough! After a few frantic phone calls to all the stylists I know I finally got in touch with my friend Beth and she kindly agreed to squeeze her into a 15 min slot. Here are the lovely results

Leave it to Beth to make lemonade out of lemons. Tristan said wow Daphne it actually looks really cute (compliment indeed!) after which she perked up and said, "See I can cut my hair!". Um yeah sure Daphne it was all you. She had wanted to grow her hair like Rapunzel, like every other 4 yr old I know, but I think she likes her short sassy little do it matches her even sassier personality.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Spring Break

So we didn't go out of town but we did have as much fun as possible this spring break. We/the kids....

  • camped in a tent in the living room and ate microwave s'mores yum.
  • Braved the dollar theaters and saw Alvin and the Chipmunks Chipwrecked from the front row
  • Had a picnic and played at the park with our cousins
  • Played at the park with our ward friends
  • Played and had dinner at Grandma Eyestone's with Uncle Zach and Uncle Taylor
  • Saw The Lorax on Dad's day off.
  • Ate at IHOP in honor of seeing the Lorax with Aunt Randi and Uncle Warren
  • Had Pizza at Grandpa and Grandma Johnson's house
  • And plan to meet more cousins at the park today.
  • Ate lots of candy and junk
  • Ran around the house screaming many many times
  • Alternated fighting and playing with siblings.
  • Played basketball, baseball, and soccer indoors even after being told a million times not to.
  • Annoyed mom and destroyed the house so much that mom chose Violets nap time as her personal time out just to spare herself the sight of all the destruction and thus spare our small lives.
Okay so it wasn't all bad I did enjoy staying up to late with Golden and "sleeping in" If 8am can really be considered as much. It had it's good moments and I really do adore my children, but one week is definitely enough and I am very grateful to live in Mesa where we are not crazy and realize that two weeks of spring break is just insanity! Good luck to all you suckers who still have another week of this;)

Monday, March 12, 2012

Best Pesto Ever!

So for a few years I have been experimenting with different Pesto recipes that all turn out great but a little too strong to eat plain on pasta. I have tried using spinach, arugula, and thinning it with chicken stock to no avail I end up making Alfredo to mellow it out. But I finally found a winning combination and so I just have to share/ record it here so I remember how to make it next time. No pics sorry but it was super green and yummy.
3/4 of an asparagus bunch ( I blanched them in salted water for 4 minutes first)
2 C baby spinach
1 C Basil
6 cloves garlic
3/4 to 1 C good olive oil
1/2 C Parmesan cheese
2 Tbs cream cheese softened
1/2 C chopped Walnuts toasted in a dry pan over medium heat ( traditionally it calls for pine nuts but I am too cheap for that)
2 tsp kosher salt
1 tsp lemon juice
Heat 4 of the garlic cloves with the 3/4 C olive oil over medium heat for about 5 min to soften the garlic without burning. Add all ingredients besides olive oil into a food processor and blend on high while slowly streaming the olive oil until well combine. Serve over your favorite pasta.
Tips: do not heat the sauce instead pour it over the hot pasta using a little of the pasta water to thin the sauce if needed. Can be served hot or cold and makes an excellent dip.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

I'm working on it

...I'm working both on my design and on actually blogging more often than just holidays. I guess I will just have to live with the fact that I will never be the type of mom with a camera on her at all times, capturing every inch grown, tooth lost, and haircut. That being said I have decided not to feel guilty for having a barely illustrated blog and I will write on, with or with out pictures of my rarely camera ready life. Phew that took a weight off. So here's to new entries in the New Year to be written when ever I feel like it. And to lower but attainable expectations ,"Blessed are they who expect nothing for they shall not be disappointed.” 
― L.M. Montgomery