Introducing, the oldest of our bunch 7 1/2 yr old Tristan aka: Trissy, Trist, TC, T, Tchacho, Tristina Aguilara, Clark, Clarky malarkey,
Tristan is...
Good at sports/anything that takes coordination just like his Dad
An ornery cuss when he is mad
DETERMINED to have his way and has been since he was tiny!
Extremely entertaining
Competitive to a fault (just like his Dad)
Curious and loves to learn like a little monkey
A good student and excels in math and science
Helpful around the house and knows how to take charge ( he is your typical oldest child)
A Handsome little devil and melts my heart with his charm ( also like his Dad)
Stubborn just like his Mom, we butt heads a lot!
Protective of his little brother who is also his best friend!
Energetic, this kid wakes up at 6 am or earlier every morning.
Active, he always has to be moving hence the basketball hoop in our living room!
My sunshine! I have sung that song to him since he was a baby. You know it... You are my sunshine my only sunshine........And when I sing him a song at bed time he always asks for it cause he knows that he is MY sunshine, he makes my days fun and interesting as well as challenging. Lets just say he has some qualities that while desirable in an adult, are incredibly difficult to parent. I know and have known since he was a weensy babe in my arms that he was special and that there are important things for him to do in this world. I feel so blessed that Heavenly Father thought that I was up for the challenge of raising him. Although I am certainly not the perfect Mom and there are many areas that I fail miserably at, I am trying to raise him and all my kiddos to be kind, thoughtful, helpful, and responsible adults who will make good spouses and parents someday.

Tristan was my first baby love I remember thinking I could never love anyone more than I loved Golden, but man was I wrong with each kid somehow my capacity to love has grown and they are each special to me.... yet I think there is something to be said about my first, I remember so many times just holding him, looking at his tiny face and choking up with tears and feeling so lucky to have him. He is the only child I remember frequently having those experiences with, probably because it was the only time I had peace and quiet long enough to. But for whatever reason, I know that I definitely need to remember those times more often, like when he is looking right at me telling him to stop as he tackles his sister!

I cannot believe that he will be 8 in a few months everyone, including old ladies at the store, told me that time would just fly by but at the time it seemed as though the terrible twos would never end. Now I find myself wishing that I had enjoyed the chaos of toddler hood a little more you know? You never expect that they will actually grow up and not be chubby faced babies anymore. Anyway I LOVE this boy and when he turns 16, you better hide your daughters cause he is gonna be hot stuff I'm just sayin'.