Daphne decided last week that since I was busy baking a wedding cake hence leaving her to her own devices, she should get a hold of my scissors and give herself some baby doll bangs. She is so thoughtful I definitely wasn't busy or stressed enough! After a few frantic phone calls to all the stylists I know I finally got in touch with my friend Beth and she kindly agreed to squeeze her into a 15 min slot. Here are the lovely results
Leave it to Beth to make lemonade out of lemons. Tristan said wow Daphne it actually looks really cute (compliment indeed!) after which she perked up and said, "See I can cut my hair!". Um yeah sure Daphne it was all you. She had wanted to grow her hair like Rapunzel, like every other 4 yr old I know, but I think she likes her short sassy little do it matches her even sassier personality.
Ha ha ha! Wow, she is so confident! She looks darling. I love the headband and I love you guys! xxoo