Monday, October 24, 2011

Blog updated: Check

Violet says HI!

Last week we all took a much needed hiatus from Internet, TV, and movies. So of course that means that i had a good excuse for not blogging and also means that I have spent too much time this AM catching up on FB and my favorite blogs. So here's a list of the notable highlights of what you missed.
  • Tristan smashed his CTR (choose the right) ring on his finger so much so that it was pinching off his circulation and his finger turned purple. Whilst Golden ran to Lowe's to find a tool which could cut it off,  I tried my best to keep Tristan calm and convince him that his finger would not die and fall off, as he supposed it would. I also had to stop myself from panicking and running around yelling ahhhhhh his finger is Gonna DIE and fall off!!!!! I succeeded in keeping both of us calm long enough for golden to get the tool and cut it off. It was crazy smashed and in no way resembled an object that had ever been a circle!!!
  • Golden's little sis, who is my age, moved back to AZ from OR so we have had a good time with cousins around here. Braelynn who is 6 months younger than Daphne was able to spend the night and the girls had a blast.
  • We  also got to play tennis for the first time in years! Tristan had been bragging that he was so good thanks to his practice time on the Wii. I had to inform him that it was not the same and I even told him that he probably wouldn't be good (aka you are gonna suck and I am gonna beat you). I should have bit my tongue. Having been an Eyestone for 8 years now you would think that I would have figured out how athletically talented they are. Tristan was amazing and actually excelled in a game of doubles on Golden's team against Randi and Warren. He quickly figured out how to serve and was pretty accurate. Then of course Golden and Randi had to compete and both of them played so well (what else would you expect?). I always forget how good Golden is at well, everything. You might not be able to tell but Golden is really good at sports especially basketball, baseball, and tennis. He also could have quite a career as a pool shark if he wanted to.
  • Weirdest story ever: I was at the grocery store and decided to write a check which I never do. I handed the cashier my check and ID knowing he would need it. He runs the check and then looks for my ID to process my payment and he can't find it. So he is panicking and looking everywhere assuring me it's not in his pocket (haha). I finally hand him my backup ID and step aside while he helps the next customer so we can look again. The manager comes over and we are all searching everywhere the garbage, bags, everywhere . Finally the manager gets a flashlight and looks down a crack that leads down into the kiosk where all the wires are hidden and what do you know he finds my ID.They have to take the front panel off of the register just to fish it out. Things like this ONLY happen to ME!!

Daphne the chicken
  • Or ward had our primary program yesterday and my boys did GREAT they had their parts memorized and even sang a song in front of the microphone. Daphne however..... I practiced, begged, and bribed that child and still her tiny teacher had to carry her to the microphone and tell her what to say and she still only said 2 words and not even into the microphone!!!! I guess I should be glad she chickened out since I'm pretty sure I would have had to cough up a pony or something.
  • And last but not least my amazing husband Golden finished his associates degree in business whooohooo. And the best part is he gets a week off for good behavior before he starts his bachelor's. Better late than never right.
Well have a good week I probably won't post again till after Halloween when I have fun pics

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Fall Break

In case you were wondering what a mother of four does to keep her children occupied during fall break let me give you a little taste.
 The boys got out brushes and did all the girls hair. Seconds before this was taken, I myself was sporting an identical look. My "hair dresser" said I looked like Rapunzel when she has all the flowers in her hair.
 While Morgan was coiffing my hair we had a funny conversation which went something like this
Mo: Mom, why do girls just get whatever they want?
Me: Cause boys are very nice and take good care of them
Mo: But why don't boys get whatever they want?
Me: Some boys do, trust me
Mo: You mean like rich boys?
Me: yeah, rich boys
Mo: I bet rich boys don't even get what they want either.
Sadly his questions stem from the fact that he has two spoiled rotten little sisters who appear to get whatever they want and maybe a tiny bit because his mom kinda gets most things that she wants too.
 DO NOT tell Tristan that you saw this picture cause he will freak, but it was way too funny not to share. I love that my kids know how to ham it up and have great senses of humor.

 And of course Vy had to get in on the photo shoot too, The boys also gave her a comb and bow.
Doll baby

In other news Violet has been saying some words, they are not well pronounced but she consistently says them so they count. She says doggie, sit, shoes, and of course No. She also blows kisses and waves. She is such a happy baby and has learned how to behave in the spot light thanks to her siblings. She is so sweet and happy just like Morgan , with the exception that she articulately expresses her opinions, like when we are at the park and she doesn't want to get out the swing so she arches her back and grunts. She is quick to recover her equanimity though and finds something to smile about. I LOVE her!!!!!

Fall Break

In case you were wondering what a mother of four does to keep her children occupied during fall break let me give you a little taste.
 The boys got out brushes and did all the girls hair. Seconds before this was taken, I myself was sporting an identical look. My "hair dresser" said I looked like rupunzel when she has all the flowers in her hair.
 While Morgan was doing my hair we had a funny conversation which went something like this
Mo: Mom, why do girls just get whatever they want?
Me: Cause boys are very nice and take good care of them
Mo: But why don't boys get whatever they want?
Me: Some boys do trust me
Mo: You mean like rich boys?
Me: yeah, rich boys
Mo: I bet rich boys don't get what they want either.
Sadly his questions stem from the fact that he has two spoiled rotten little sisters who appear to get whatever they want and maybe a tiny bit because his mom kinda gets most things that she wants too.
 DO NOT tell Tristan that you saw this picture cause he will freak, but it was way too funny not to share. I love that my kids know how to ham it up and have great senses of humor.

 And of course the Letts had to get in on the photo shoot too, The boys also gave her a comb and bow.
Doesn't she look fake in this one I edited it as best I could in windows and I kinda like that she looks like a doll.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


I can't look at this without laughing, Daphne is super into Care Bears right now so when we found this at Goodwill for $6 I had to buy it even though it is a little small.I know she looks angry but really she is just being funny. Besides as I tell Golden , I can always sell it on Ebay. We laugh becasue I use this argument every year to justify spending a fortune on Halloween costumes but I have sold a total of 0 costumes and only even reused like 3. In case you didn't know I love, love love Halloween. So far we have already been dressing up and watching festive movies. I still need to haul out my tub of decorations but it will happen soon! If I am feeling extra festive I will let the kids have a few friends over and have a little party. My kids still talk about the one I threw a few years ago where I dressed like a witch and had them help me with my witches brew ( sprite/magic potion, grape juice/frog's blood, and green jello/Brains) They loved it! I am getting super excited, hopefully you are too or else I'm pretty sure we can't be friends any more.....Sorry